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Enara's blog offers clinics advice for growing your practice with obesity management in mind. Members will find healthy recipes, helpful tips, and inspiring stories from members.

Cardiovascular Health / For Doctors / Health and Wellness / Movement

Embracing New Paths in Obesity Management

July 18, 2024
Finding Motivation for Exercise: Tips for Staying on Track
Fitness Topic / Movement

Finding Motivation for Exercise: Tips for Staying on Track

September 22, 2023
A ferris wheel | Ideas for Incorporating Daily Movement
Movement / Partner Clinics

Ideas for Incorporating Daily Movement

September 13, 2023
Barriers on a track | Reasons vs. Barriers
Fitness Topic / Movement

Reasons vs. Barriers

August 25, 2023
Woman stretching outside | Outdoor Fitness Routine
Fitness Topic / Movement / Partner Clinics

Do-It-Anywhere Outdoor Fitness Routine

July 20, 2023
Gardening counts towards NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)
Fitness Topic / Movement

A NEAT Way to an Active Lifestyle

June 29, 2023
Workout Log Fitness Routine
Movement / Workout Log

Workout Log: A Week With Exercise Specialist Bryan

June 1, 2023
Scaption Exercise
Movement / Movement of the Month

Movement of the Month: Scaption (The Ultimate Shoulder Exercise)

May 4, 2023
weights of different sizes
Movement / Workout Log

Workout Log: A Week With Exercise Specialist Kirill

April 6, 2023
rolling up yoga mat
Fitness Topic / Movement

Incorporating Strength Movements into Activities of Daily Living

March 9, 2023

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