
Enara’s blog offers clinics advice for growing your practice with obesity management in mind. Members will find healthy recipes, helpful tips, and inspiring stories from members.


Embracing New Paths in Obesity Management

Movement / Cardiovascular Health / For Doctors / Health and Wellness

Finding Motivation for Exercise: Tips for Staying on Track

Fitness Topic / Movement

Ideas for Incorporating Daily Movement

Movement / Partner Clinics

Reasons vs. Barriers

Fitness Topic / Movement

Do-It-Anywhere Outdoor Fitness Routine

Fitness Topic / Movement / Partner Clinics

A NEAT Way to an Active Lifestyle

Fitness Topic / Movement

Workout Log: A Week With Exercise Specialist Bryan

Movement / Workout Log

Movement of the Month: Scaption (The Ultimate Shoulder Exercise)

Movement / Movement of the Month

Workout Log: A Week With Exercise Specialist Kirill

Movement / Workout Log

Incorporating Strength Movements into Activities of Daily Living

Fitness Topic / Movement