Weight Loss Reflections: What I Didn’t Realize I’d Given Up


Discovering the Little (and Not So Little) Joys in Life Again


It’s the Chinese Year of the Monkey, and as a monkey, I do have a lot to celebrate!  It’s been almost a year since I first set foot into the office at Enara Health.  I actually had no expectations of losing weight on Enara’s program, but was waiting for approval for bariatric surgery and thought why not try another cool app on my mobile phone?  Sometimes you just get lucky!  VERY lucky!!

So here I am, 11 months later and 60 pounds lighter, gratefully discovering that life is so much better when you physically fit into places, and you can walk without pain or shortness of breath!

My celebratory discoveries:

  • Fitting in a single airplane seat with space between the tray table and my belly;
  • Finding clothes and shoes that fit me in stores that don’t have plus sizes or extra wide offerings;
  • Shopping at the mall with my teenager for hours and hours without having to sit or take breaks;
  • Not worrying about the number of blocks I will have to walk when I take BART into SF;
  • Being told by my doctors that my asthma and diabetes conditions appear to have been reversed — I now have normal lung function and nearly normal blood sugar test results;
  • Realizing that I no longer need bariatric surgery!

I guess I was in denial about how limited my life had become because of all of that extra weight.   But this monkey has broken out of her cage and there’s no going back!

I am far from done with my weight loss journey.  Am now tackling the challenges of keeping the weight off for a while, and will then resume Enara’s weight loss program to see if I can get even healthier.

But in the meantime, it’s on to more discoveries.  Does anyone know where I put my golf shoes?  ?


If you are interested in learning more about our medical weight loss program or scheduling an appointment, please call 650-319-8654 or fill out the form below. 


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