Suzanne is a remote patient that has been with Enara for a year and a half. She is currently living in New York and has managed to lose 35 lbs. and reverse her pre-diabetes on the program. Here is her story!

“My journey with Enara has been a surprising success. Surprising because I doubted myself when they had faith in me, was frustrated when they encouraged me and was sad when I strayed from the program yet my dietitian remained my greatest support. Dr. Bailony was available at all times when I needed him and I could not have had success without my amazing dietitian and daughter, Danielle. She spoke so highly of her second family at Enara and her concern for my health that I owed it to the both of us to take the plunge.

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In total, I’ve lost 35 pounds. Health is a priority at Enara and my vitals were strictly monitored. I am mostly happy to share that my A1C sugar went from a pre-diabetic 6.2 to a healthy level of 5.4.  I sleep better, learned that I don’t need huge amounts of food to fuel me and learned so much about nutrition from Enara’s experts and fellow patients. The community is awesome and the recipes are gourmet level amazing yet simple to prepare! I am continuing my healthy lifestyle for my family and my Enara team but mostly for myself.”

Weight Loss Progress:
Suzanne was able to lose 35 lbs. (18% of her weight) in 18 months

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* Enara Weight Loss Programs are covered by most major insurances in California. Click on “Get Started” above to learn more about your coverage and our subscription plans.

LDL Cholesterol Progress: 12%

  • LDL is the bad cholesterol. 
  • It collects in the walls of blood vessels leading to atherosclerosis which put you at greater risk for a heart attack or stroke.
  • The goal for people with one other risk factor for heart disease (e.g. increased BMI, high blood pressure, diabetes, family history) is an LDL level under 100.

    Triglycerides Progress: 47%

  • Fatty foods and carbohydrates that we eat are broken down into globs of fat called triglycerides.
  • High levels of triglycerides can increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, and nerve damage.
  • Excess glucose in the blood can be used to make triglycerides, which is why people with insulin sensitivity, prediabetes, or Diabetes often also have elevated triglycerides.

Hemoglobin A1C Progress: Reversed her Pre-diabetes

  • Hemoglobin A1c measures the percentage of your blood hemoglobin that is coated with glucose (sugar). This test reflects your average blood sugar level for the past 2-3 months.
  • A level less than 5.7 is normal, and a level between 5.7 and 6.4 indicates pre-diabetes. A Hg A1c level of 6.5 percent or higher indicates Type 2 Diabetes.

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