Rockstar of The Month 
– April 2018 –

“I’m honored to be asked to be this month’s Enara’s Rock Star of the Month. This is my official one year before/after picture. The “Before” picture was the week before I started VLCD and I was in Vegas for a last hurrah eating vacation. I was and am, happy at both sizes, as it helps that I’m an overall happy, confident person and I have a husband who tells me I’m beautiful everyday, no matter what size I am.  However, I’m definitely more comfortable (Yay for being able to cross my legs again!) and more importantly, I am definitely healthier at my current size.

When I started Enara, I weighed in at 190lbs. In my initial meeting with Dr. B, I told him that losing weight would not be my issue. My problem would be keeping off the weight. I’ve lost and re-gained the same 40-50lbs at least 5-6x throughout my life. I was a skinny, stick-thin little girl growing up and then at puberty, discovered candy and gained a lot weight in middle school. In high school, I lost a lot of weight because I liked a boy. I gained weight when I met my boyfriend (now husband) in college because we like to eat together, lost it when I felt it was getting out of hand, then gained it back when I got my first job, lost it, then re-gained it I went had a baby, lost it again, then re-gained it when I went back to work, etc, etc..

This time, pre-diabetes was the factor for the losing weight since test results showed I was only a couple points away from having actual diabetes and that was really scary, as diabetes runs in my family. Although I had been at this weight a few times in the past, I had never been this weight AND at this age. Dr. B and I decided VLCD would be the best option for me to get the weight off quickly and by the end of the 90 days, I was down 30 lbs and hit the target weight he had set for me. Limiting myself to eating 800 calories a day and cutting myself off from sugar, cold turkey, was difficult but with the team’s help via the Enara phone app, taking pictures of my food, weighing myself everyday, I saw the weight come off fast. My 3 month test results were also very motivating, as my fasting blood sugar levels were down.

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I have always been an active person and during the 90 days of VLCD, I continued to swim, play tennis, walk and go to the gym. I did notice that exercising was harder with the lower calories in the beginning of the program but then I got used to it and now I can see how my much faster I can move on the tennis court and I can walk and swim at a much faster pace without getting as winded. My back and knees definitely feel better now that the weight as come off as well. After my initial 90 days were up, I continued to eat a modified VLCD diet and continued to lose weight, while at the same time focus on building back some muscle. I was able to hit my healthy target weight before my one year anniversary. But that’s not the end of my story.

My journey is still continuing, as I do not have the best track record and I have already slipped a little within the last few months before getting here. I mean, I still have dreams (or are they nightmares?) about going to all-you-can-eat dessert buffets! But both Dana and Dr. B were on top of it, sending me messages through the app asking what was going on, why was my weight creeping up and what could they do to help me? Accountability through Enara is definitely helpful to keep me on track and we decided as a team that I would try out the intermittent fasting program 2 times a week for maintenance going forward. Turns out, I was getting bored on the modified VLCD maintenance program. Intermittent fasting did the trick and my weight went back down and Dr. B and Dana say that I am back in my healthy weight range. My goal is to stay within 5lbs of this weight range, which is 140-145lbs, for the upcoming year/the rest of my life. With Enara’s help, I know I can do it!

Now that I am at my one year mark, I have committed to at least another year (and probably more) to Dr B and Dana as I promised him that I would on the first day that we met. He said, “If you promise to stay with me at least another year after the initial year, I promise you that we will help you maintain.” I’m holding you to that promise Dr. B!
I would like to thank the dream team at Enara, including: Dr. B and Dana (my rocks), Danielle (go sign up for her Trader Joe grocery store tour – it’s super informative and actually quite fun), Nicole and Mariah (who have had to put up with my constant craziness), Jen (thanks for dealing with my insurance nightmares) and Vince (go schedule a workout with him too – he will work wonders on your booty!).

I have referred many friends to Enara during this last year and they have all done really well on the program. I am rooting for you guys as well as everyone else who have taken the steps towards getting healthy with Enara!”

Weight Loss Progress:
Audrey was able to lose 48 Lbs (25% of her weight) at 1 year

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* Enara Weight Loss Programs are covered by most major insurances in California. Click on “Get Started” above to learn more about your coverage and our subscription plans.

 Reversed her prediabetes with 0.4 drop in her Hg A1c

  • Hemoglobin A1c measures the percentage of your blood hemoglobin that is coated with glucose (sugar). This test reflects your average blood sugar level for the past 2-3 months.
  • A level less than 5.7 is normal, and a level between 5.7 and 6.4 indicates pre-diabetes. A Hg A1c level of 6.5 percent or higher indicates Type 2 Diabetes.

Reduced her body fat percentage by 13

  • PBF (Percent Body Fat) is the percentage of your body that is made up of fat. Everything else is usually referred to as “lean tissue.” This gives a more accurate representation of health, fitness and leanness.

Triglycerides Progress: 48%

  • Fatty foods and carbohydrates that we eat are broken down into globs of fat called triglycerides.
  • High levels of triglycerides can increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, and nerve damage.
  • Excess glucose in the blood can be used to make triglycerides, which is why people with insulin sensitivity, prediabetes, or Diabetes often also have elevated triglycerides.

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