Greater Mankato Area VLCD Eating Out Guide

take out bowl

Have you decided to go with the VLCD plan, but have unexpected travel coming up or have social engagements? The Nutrition Specialist team has put together a list of some restaurants in the area along with menu options that fit the VLCD food and calorie recommendations (200-300 calories per meal). Speak to your Nutrition Specialist to receive this resource. In the meantime, here are some tips for eating out and some of the restaurants listed in this guide! 

Eating Out Tips

  • Drink water, sparkling water, unsweetened tea (iced or hot), and coffee. Avoid other beverages.
  • If you’re eating out with colleagues for work, avoid the appetizers and bread basket.
  • If you’re eating out alone, order the food to go and eat it at your house. This will help you avoid the temptation of ordering more food.
  • Most restaurants will offer a bun-less or lettuce-wrapped chicken or turkey burger. Or, look for a grilled chicken or fish salad without dressing.
  • No good options? Two ounces (about 40) almonds can act as a meal replacement.
  • Plan ahead: if you know you will be eating out somewhere not on this list, let your NS know and they can help you decide what to order.
  • Scan the menu ahead of time and think of ways to modify the dish. Most restaurants will accommodate requests such as serving dressing/sauce on the side. Ask for the starch to be replaced with vegetables and the bread basket to be removed. It never hurts to ask!

Fast Food Options for Road Trips or Late Work Nights

  • Starbucks
  • Panera
    • Greek Salad
  • Panda Express
    • Mixed Veggies + Protein Dish
  • Chipotle
    • Burrito Bowl
  • Taco Bell
    • Power Menu Bowl
  • Subway
    • Oven Roasted Chicken Protein Bowl
  • Noodles and Company 
    • Zoodles in Roasted Garlic Cream Sauce

Options at Sit Down Restaurants 

  • Weggy’s
    • What’s Up Doc (Omelet)
  • Mazatlan
    • Fajitas
  • Boulder Tap House
    • Black Bean Chili

If you have a favorite restaurant you like to go to and don’t want to miss out, mention it to your Nutrition Specialist so they can assist you with determining the best menu option for you. We hope this is helpful to all but especially those of you doing VLCD!

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