Recipe Challenge: Meaty Ratatouille

ServesĀ 6


1 small eggplant, thinly sliced

1 small onion, diced

1-2 cloves garlic, minced

2 small zucchini, 1 yellow and 1 green, thinly sliced

1 6 oz can tomato paste

1 lb ground chicken, turkey, or lean beef (over 90% lean)

1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced longway

1 yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced longway

2 tbsp olive oil

thyme, several sprigs, leaves pulled off

2 tbsp greek yogurt per serving

(Warning: you may have extra sliced veggies!)


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Spread tomato paste in the bottom of a baking dish (you may use any shape though we recommend an 11×7 rectangular pan or similar). Sprinkle onion and garlic over the paste, stir in ~1/4 cup water until all combined.

3. Lightly spray a large skillet with olive oil or coconut spray and cook chopped meat until almost brown. Spread meat in pan over tomato mixture. Season with salt and black pepper.

4. Alternating between vegetables, layer slices in any pattern, making sure to cover all the beef and surface of the pan. Overlap slices about halfway. Once covered, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with 2 tbsp olive oil and sprinkle with thyme leaves.

5. Cover vegetables with a piece of parchment paper cut to fit.

6. Bake in oven until vegetables are tender, about 45 mins. Cut 6 squares, and top a square with 1-2 tbsp of greek yogurt.

Nutrition (per 1/6 pan): 177 calories, 7g fat, 12g carbohydrates, 4g fiber, 17g protein.

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