Grocery Spotlight: Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate

Cold brew with a little milk or half-and-half has always been one of my go-to coffee shop orders. Since shelter-in-place started, I’ve tried to limit unnecessary coffee shop runs, but…I still miss being able to cruise by Starbucks or Peet’s for a fun pick-me-up. I mentioned this find on Instagram a couple months ago, but I’ve recently gotten very into store-bought cold brew concentrate to give me the same refreshing caffeine boost.

My ode to cold brew:

  1. It’s free from sweeteners and low in calories!
  2. SO refreshing in the summer (I’m looking at you, heat wave).
  3. A tasty thing to sip on during the workday to reduce the temptation to snack.
  4. Caffeine to combat that quarantine brain fog.

Here are some great products to try:

  1. Chameleon Coffee Cold Brew: My favorite!!! The Mocha Cold Brew with a splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk is dreamy. They also have a Vanilla Cold Brew that’s on my list to try. I usually buy it at Sprout’s, but I’ve seen it at other retailers. I do recommend double-checking the nutrition info because they do have a few products that contain sweeteners.
  2. Trader Joe’s French Roast Cold Brew Concentrate: For lovers of strong coffee! For those with a milder palate, they also have a standard Cold Brew Concentrate, which is also delicious.
  3. Grady’s New Orleans-Style Cold Brew Concentrate: Full disclosure, I have not tried this one, but I’m interested to try it after reading rave reviews about its distinct flavor profile. I’ve seen it on the shelves at Sprout’s.
  4. Stok Un-Sweet Cold Brew Coffee: I’ve purchased this cold brew at both Safeway and Target. It’s a pretty classic cold brew, not overpowering or super acidic.

If you like a blended coffee drink (Frappuccino style!), you can also put these in a blender with some ice and almond milk. You can also make your own using your favorite coffee blend. It’s super easy, but I’ve found that it’s harder to get it to the brew strength of a store-bought product. Let me know if you have any tips…

Cheers, friends!

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