From Shadows to Sunshine: Patrick’s Astonishing Journey of Weight Loss, Resilience, and Rediscovery

Patrick's weight loss journey

Meet Patrick, a resilient Enara-Phoenix Heart member who has already lost 30% of his starting weight! Patrick’s weight loss journey emphasizes the power of consistency, supportive communities, and self-belief.

Patrick struggled with obesity as a child. However, during the seventh and eighth grade, he managed to shed some weight and maintained his fitness through college. During his senior year, his interest in exercise helped him drop to his lowest weight of 128 lbs. In the years after graduation, exercise was not as much of a priority, and so his weight started to creep up over 210 lbs. However, he found the motivation to trim down to 180 lbs to attend a friend’s wedding, and maintained that weight for the next 5 years. 

Life then took an unexpected turn. A relationship during Patrick’s mid-30s spurred his battle with addiction. The path of substance abuse, in addition to his partner’s passing, led to weight gain. He relied on drugs to cope with grief. Plus, being fat shielded him from attention which kept him safe from further hurt. 

Despite these challenges, Patrick managed to embark on a journey of sobriety that has lasted eight years so far. Unfortunately, his weight had skyrocketed to 309 pounds, causing him to develop sleep apnea and respiratory complications related to a blood clotting disorder. At one point he was even hospitalized. But even that was not motivation enough to lose weight.

Patrick found Enara through his doctor at Phoenix Heart. Skeptical at first, Patrick doubted whether it would work for him, considering himself too old to change at 48. Nevertheless, he was curious enough to give it a try. Patrick’s weight loss journey started gradually and intentionally. He began working with a Nutrition Specialist and focused on modifying his breakfast, then worked on lunch and dinner. Simultaneously, under the guidance of his Medical Provider, Patrick tried different medications. As he ran into coverage issues, it took 3 different insurance plans and lots of patience to finally start semaglutide. By the time he took his first dose, he was already down 65 lbs.

Initially, Patrick was hesitant to embrace exercise. In fact, when he met with his Exercise Specialist, he boldly declared that he had no intention of exercising and that their meetings were unnecessary. However, his ES encouraged him to start with a small commitment of 3,000 steps per day, which involved Patrick walking around the basketball court for two weeks. As his confidence grew, he ventured further, gradually increasing his walking time to 30, 45, and then 60 minutes. A friend then invited him to the gym, rekindling his love for lifting weights. Over the past few months, he has been alternating between walking and lifting weights daily. Eager to diversify his routine, he has explored various new exercises, searching for what resonated with him the most. While kickboxing proved challenging for his knees, it burned a significant number of calories. Conversely, yoga was peaceful and restorative, a much welcome change of pace. Patrick plans to venture into CrossFit and dance next, driven by his newfound love for staying active.

When asked about his weight loss secrets, Patrick highlighted the importance of consistency. Despite being stuck in a one-month plateau, he remained steadfast in his commitment to eating right and staying on track. His perseverance paid off, as he eventually broke through and lost an additional 35 pounds without making any significant changes. This reinforced his belief that consistency is the key to success.

Patrick emphasized that this was the first time he had a team supporting his weight loss journey, and that has been invaluable. He expressed his gratitude for the Enara team, acknowledging that he had never experienced such support and guidance before. He is particularly thankful for his Medical Provider Susan Musal, for her unwavering determination in fighting for his medication coverage. Setting an original goal of losing 15% of his weight, he has already surpassed that milestone by losing an impressive 30% in total thus far. Patrick’s most recent blood work results also brought encouraging news. His heart doctor informed him that everything was looking better. This revelation has fueled his determination even further, knowing that if he continues on this path, he can potentially overcome his heart, lung, and blood clotting issues. 

With his transformed lifestyle, Patrick now finds himself with a whole new lease on life. He has rediscovered his vibrance and approaches every aspect of life with heightened excitement and determination. Standing at 218 lbs (and continuing to drop weight), he caught a glimpse of the new Patrick — a potential future where he embraces change and transformation. “What else can I do?” he wonders. The journey of weight loss has not only improved his physical health but has also awakened a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around him, igniting the curiosity to explore previously unimaginable possibilities. Patrick has realized that the things we fear the most are often the very things we have to confront. It was in the face of fear that he discovered the miracles that lay beyond the threshold.

Patrick’s 7-month transformation

Patrick now
July 2023

A snapshot of Patrick’s weight loss journey: 90 lbs down (30%) and counting!

Patrick's weight loss journey | down 91 lbs (30%) and counting!

Patrick has reduced his LDL cholesterol by 18.7% thus far!

Patrick's LDL

  • LDL is the bad cholesterol. It collects in the walls of blood vessels leading to atherosclerosis, which puts you at greater risk for a heart attack or stroke.
  • The goal for people with one other heart disease risk factor (e.g. increased BMI, high blood pressure, diabetes, or family history) is an LDL level under 100.

Patrick decreased his inflammation by 81%!

Patrick's CRP

  • High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a marker of inflammation.
  • The hs-CRP test may be used to help evaluate an individual for cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Low risk: less than 1.0 mg/L; average risk: 1.0 to 3.0 mg/L; high risk: above 3.0 mg/L.

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